On Thursday, 13th June 2024, I chaired the weekly management meeting of the Due Process & Public Procurement Bureau, an agency of the Abia State Government. As usual, we reviewed activities of the preceeding week and set a fresh set of goals for the coming week. I have succeeded in institutionalizing the weekly management meetings of the bureau which is a key component of my programme in ensuring the bureau thrives in its functions as prescribed in the APPL 2012. Again, our weekly management meetings play a key role in setting the tone of activities for the agency to effectively discharge its responsibilities. Upon my resumption of duty, in June 2023, I resolved to mirror the actions of our great leader, H.E. Dr. Alex C. Otti, OFR, the Executive Governor of Abia State, in contributing my quota to moving our great Abia State, forward. OA. Chukwu, Ph.D., mnipr SSA-Gov, Due Process